Cavallet de mar

Sala Flyhard (Catalunya)

04.12.2024 | 09:15 pm

Price: 6€/10€
Age: +16
Language: Catalan
Length: 75 min


A party night will change Martí's life, who has started his transit a year ago and has just learned that he is pregnant

En Martí té vint anys i en fa un que va iniciar la transició i va començar a administrar-se testosterona per modificar el seu cos. La seva vida pren un gir inesperat el dia que descobreix que està embarassat de tres setmanes. Mentre pren una decisió, el Martí reflexiona sobre el seu cos, la seva transició i els codis de gènere establerts.


  • Text: Pau Coya
  • Direction: Rebeca Del Fresno
  • Cast: Marc Torres
  • Assistant director: Pau Coya
  • Scenic space and lighting design: Joan Fullana
  • Costume design: Pau Nieto
  • Sound space: Pere Joan Company
  • Video: Laura Bonnín
  • Voice-over: Sergi Niebla
  • Image and promotional video: Gusto Audiovisual
  • Graphic and poster design: Eladi Bonastre
  • Communication and distribution: Elisenda Riera
  • Press: Clara Cols Torras
  • Administration: Josep Maria Milla and Sergio Matamala
  • Executive Production: Clara Cols Torras and Sergio Matamala
  • A production by: Flyhard Produccions, Cía la Permanente, Department of Culture of the Town Hall of Andratx and Ajuntament de Calvià
  • With the support of: ICUB - Institute of Culture of Barcelona and ICEC - Catalan Institute of Cultural Enterprises
  • Acknowledgements: Isaac Nicolás, Rubén Castro, Ian Bermúdez, Matt Trigo, Celeste Giachetta, Badabadoc and El Maldà

About the company

Sala Flyhard is a theater production company with an exhibition hall that opened its doors in October 2010. It is dedicated exclusively to contemporary Catalan drama and has promoted renowned authors such as Clàudia Cedó, Llàtzer Garcia, Marta Aran, Daniel J. Meyer or Eugènia Manzanares, among others.

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