Open call Mostra Igualada

Artistic requirements

The period for submitting applications to participate in Mostra Igualada 2025 includes from June 10 to July 31, 2024.

The call is open to performing arts professional companies offering indoor and outdoor productions (theatre, dance, music, circus, etc.), aimed to family, children and young audiences. Submissions may be small, medium or large format and can combine various artistic genres. Will be taken into consideration the contemporaneity, innovation, format, and dramatic composition of the production.

Mostra’s Artistic Direction, in charge of the selection process, will give preference to productions with less presence on the performing arts circuit.

Terms of participation

By filling the application of Mostra Igualada it’s implied the acceptation of the following terms and conditions of participation by the company.

1.- General conditions

To consider the submission it’s mandatory to send the application form together with with all the information requested.

Each company must present only one of their productions. Only the submissions of productions premiered during the last 4 years will be accepted.

The selected companies must book and have performance available during all the days of Mostra Igualada, from April 3 to 6, 2025.

The artistic commission will inform by e-mail all the companies submitted, whether or not their proposal has been selected, at the end of 2024.

2.- Financial conditions

It is established that the companies participating at Mostra Igualada will not receive the amount of their regular fee.

For the companies coming from outside Catalonia, Mostra Igualada will agree a fee to guarantee a fixed amount and the travel expenses.

3.- Technical requirements

Mostra Igualada will provide the necessary infrastructure for each production, taking in account that the technical rider has been send it at the right time and indeed confirmed by our Technical Director. Any change of the technical rider of the production will be assumed by the company.

As a general rule, Mostra Igualada will not supply any type of scenographic or expendable material (such as filters, lamps, pyrotechnics, etc.) nor musical instruments or audiovisual projectors.

Mostra Igualada technicians are responsible for the installation of the equipment and support the set-up. The company’s technicians are responsible for the set-up and in charge of the performace.

4.- Accommodation and per diem of the companies

Number of people

Mostra Igualada will count as company members, for catering purposes, the number of essential performers and technicians required for the performance, plus one person acting as a representative.

Per diem

Using the system established by the organisation, Mostra Igualada will provide the per diem (lunch and/or dinner) for the company according to the times and days of its performances.


Mostra Igualada will take care of the accommodation of the companies that, due to assembly schedules, performances or distance from the place of origin, are considered necessary.

5.- Final

These terms and conditions of participation for companies are subject to and conditional upon the contract that will be signed between the company and Igualada City Council.

Mostra Igualada 2025 Show Pre-registration Form