Bodas de sangre

Projecte Ingenu (Catalunya)

05.27.2021 | 11:15 am, 05:00 pm

Age: +12 years
Language: Spanish
Duration: 75 min


Let us not forget that Lorca is shot because he is guilty of shot the most beautiful verses. Who is afraid of words?

In 1936, fascism killed Federico García Lorca. At the age of 38 he had time enough to become the most important playwright in the history of Spain. Keeping his figure alive among the younger generations is a necessary task to stop the neo-fascism that threatens Europe and Spain again.

The passionate story of ‘Bodas de Sangre’, that is updated in our version, serves as a pretext to explain, also, the life and the death of Lorca himself.

A show when words are accompanied and sustained through song, electronic music, the body work and movement.



This show won’t take place in the city of Igualada, but in the Centre Polivalent de Can Papasseit in Vilanova del Camí.


Fitxa artística

  • Dramaturgy and adaptation: Anna Maria Ricart
  • Direction: Marc Chornet Artells
  • Space design: Laura Clos "Closca"
  • Lighting: Pol Queralt
  • Costume design and characterization: Adriana Parra
  • Audiovisual design: Alfonso Ferri
  • Original music: Gerard Marsal and Neus Pàmies
  • Sound space and live music: Gerard Marsal
  • Assistant director and choreography: Georgina Avilés
  • Performers: Toni Guillemat, Cristina López, Martí Salvat, Xavier Torra, Marina Alegre, Ivet Zamora and Jesús Blanco

Coneix la companyia

Projecte Ingenu is a theatre research group born in the beginning of 2014 in Barcelona. His works are based on building scenic atmospheres through the body movements, singing and technology. The company has two souls that feed back into each other: contemporary creation and the reinterpretation of classics from a current perspective.


Their show 'Yerma', which already exceeds 100 has been performances, has shown them the need to spread Lorca among young people and adolescents.


Attention! This show won’t take place in the city of Igualada, but in the Centre Polivalent de Can Papasseit in Vilanova del Camí.
